Media Relations

10 Reporter Pet Peeves: What NOT to do when working with the press

10 Reporter Pet Peeves: What NOT to do when working with the press

Forging good relationships with the press and generating worthwhile content are cornerstones of a solid media relations program.  But knowing what NOT to do when working with a member of the media is just as important as what to do in terms of building and preserving those relationships and getting your story idea heard.  Here are a few things reporters and editors DON’T like:

Six PR Tips for Small Businesses

Six PR Tips for Small Businesses

Business owners know a lot about running their businesses, and many appreciate the value of marketing and PR. In fact, public relations is a vital part of a company’s overall marketing plan. Public relations helps keep your business name, products or services in front of your audience -- whether consumer or trade -- across media. Here are six tips for small businesses regarding PR.

Getting Editors to Greenlight Your Story Idea

Getting Editors to Greenlight Your Story Idea

Clients are always looking for the “big story” on their company, the glowing profile and photo shoot. But the competition for this sort of coverage is pretty stiff, to say the least, and often times, there is a disconnect between what a client envisions is newsworthy and what an editor knows will pique his or her readers’ interest enough to stop and read beyond the headline.

Best Practices for Conducting a Television Interview

Best Practices for Conducting a Television Interview

Interviews with the press can make even the most seasoned executive uneasy.  But while a telephone interview with a print reporter may be stressful (even with notes in front of you), an interview on camera – either in studio or on location – brings a whole new set of challenges.  Here are just a few tips to help you prepare for your TV interview.